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영어 시험/토익 (TOEIC)30

토익 문제 풀이 #12 만일 해석이 부족하다면 답변에 글 써주세요!! 1. Ms.C did not win the Employee of the Year Award because a colleague's sales record was better than _______. A) hers B) herself C) her D) she 2. Business owners in the town have been _______ to keep their shops open after 7 PM. A) optimal B) reluctant C) elaborate D) preferable 3. Although Mr. M had been given clear directions to the conference venue, he drove right _.. 2022. 1. 18.
토익 문제 풀이 #11 토익 문제와 해석이 도움이 됬으면 좋겠습니당 :) 자 그럼 시작해볼까요?? 1. The global team of engineers looks forward to _______ on an exciting new energy project next year. A) collaborate B) will collaborate C) collaborated D) collaborating 2. Employees should accept direction from their supervisor, but are also expected to take _______ to solve any problems at work. A) engagement B) permission C) obligation D) initiative 3.. 2022. 1. 15.
토익 문제 풀이 #10 오늘도 토익 화이팅입니다!! 1. During her first year as editor-in-chef, Ms. R expanded The Ntaional Gazette's _______ to over 250,000. A) read B) readers C) reading D) readership 2. Dr. A Griffin received the Scientific Achievements Award for her _______ of a new South American butterfly species. A) translation B) acceptance C) dedication D) identification 3. Owing to a labeling error, Sheppard Inc. is reca.. 2022. 1. 14.
토익 문제 풀이 #9 토익 파트 6 준비했습니다. 파트 5랑은 다르게 문맥을 파악해서 문장을 넣어야 되는 문제가 있어요 해석이 중요하다고 생각합니다 Dear Editor, I read your article about foreign language schools in the country and agreed with you when you said that most of them are highly business-driven and offer poor quality courses. _______, I disagree with your comments on the quality of education given by Ligua Universal. I took an advanced Spanish course at the sch.. 2022. 1. 13.
토익 문제 풀이 #8 단어를 잘 알아야 문제도 잘 풀수 있어요!! 오늘도 토익 문제를 풀어봅시다 :) 1. Employees at Ten Foods' warehouse are compensated by the company should injuries incurred on the job _______ their ability to work. A) guarantee B) isolate C) shield D) impare 2. Ms.B put together a tentative proposal for the client and agreed to work out the _______ of the contract in more detail next month. A) obejctions B) particulars C) demonst.. 2022. 1. 11.
토익 기출 단어 시험지 #3 단어 시험지 질문 답 defective habitual provocation accomplishment line manager shield enrichment impare advisory temporary vehicle particulars excursion inspiration praise expire appropriate take up guarantee invalidate conventional 단어 시험지 답 질문 답 defective 결함이 있는 habitual 습관적인 provocation 도발, 자극 accomplishment 업적 line manager 직속 상사 shield 보호하다, 가리다 enrichment 풍부하게 함 impare 손상시키다, 악화시키다 advisory 경보 tempo.. 2022. 1. 10.