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토익 문제 풀이 #12 만일 해석이 부족하다면 답변에 글 써주세요!! 1. Ms.C did not win the Employee of the Year Award because a colleague's sales record was better than _______. A) hers B) herself C) her D) she 2. Business owners in the town have been _______ to keep their shops open after 7 PM. A) optimal B) reluctant C) elaborate D) preferable 3. Although Mr. M had been given clear directions to the conference venue, he drove right _.. 2022. 1. 18.
토익 문제 풀이 #9 토익 파트 6 준비했습니다. 파트 5랑은 다르게 문맥을 파악해서 문장을 넣어야 되는 문제가 있어요 해석이 중요하다고 생각합니다 Dear Editor, I read your article about foreign language schools in the country and agreed with you when you said that most of them are highly business-driven and offer poor quality courses. _______, I disagree with your comments on the quality of education given by Ligua Universal. I took an advanced Spanish course at the sch.. 2022. 1. 13.
토익 문제 풀이 #8 단어를 잘 알아야 문제도 잘 풀수 있어요!! 오늘도 토익 문제를 풀어봅시다 :) 1. Employees at Ten Foods' warehouse are compensated by the company should injuries incurred on the job _______ their ability to work. A) guarantee B) isolate C) shield D) impare 2. Ms.B put together a tentative proposal for the client and agreed to work out the _______ of the contract in more detail next month. A) obejctions B) particulars C) demonst.. 2022. 1. 11.
토익 문제 풀이 #3 안녕하세요 지나랑입니다! 토익 문제 풀이 #3을 가져왔습니다!! 같이 한 번 열심히 풀어볼가요!! 1. According to the hotel cleaning staff, guests have a tendency to leave their mobile phones and other _______ when checking out. A) belong B) belongs C) belonging D) belongings 2. _______ stock runs out during the sale, a customer will be issued a rain check for the item that has sold out. A) Except that B) In exchange for C) In the event .. 2022. 1. 4.