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토익 문법3

토익 문제 풀이 #13 파트 7일 가져왔습니다. 밑에 해석도 있구, 해설도 있어요! Hello, everyone. Our January edition is always special because it sets the tone for our magazine for the rest of the year. I have already started working on the layout for our articles and features. The head reporters and I agreed that it would be good to have more interaction between our staff and readers next year. So, the January cover will be determined thro.. 2022. 1. 19.
토익 문제 풀이 #7 벌써 1월의 둘째 주네요. 토익은 문법도 중요하지만 단어도 그 만큼 중요하다고 생각해요. 오늘은 단어 위주의 문제를 들고 와봤어요. 준비 되셨나요?? 1. Unlike _______ mobile phones, Tektone's innvoative T-9 can be reparied with parts producted by other companeis. A) habitual B) defective C) appropriate D) conventional 2. Stanza Clothing Boutique's summer promotion _______ at the end of August. A) invalidates B) expires C) erases D) loses 3. Having made a rese.. 2022. 1. 10.
토익 문제 풀이 #2 오늘도 토익 문제를 가져왔습니다!! 토익은 알듯말듯한 시험인 것 같아요ㅠㅠ 안다고 생각했는데, 막상 비슷한 문제풀면 또 틀리고...ㅋㅋ 저만 그런거 아니죠?? 아무튼 월요일도 마음을 다 잡고 한 번 풀어볼까요? 1. It is the company's position that moving into a market with _______ government regulation will result in greater gains. A) fewer B) least C) always D) less 2. According to a recent report, _______ positions are open for entry-level candidates in the fields of industrial arts a.. 2022. 1. 3.