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영어 시험/토익 (TOEIC)

토익 문제 풀이 #8

by 지으니다 2022. 1. 11.

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오늘도 토익 문제를 풀어봅시다 :)

1. Employees at Ten Foods' warehouse are compensated by the company should injuries incurred on the job _______ their ability to work.
A) guarantee
B) isolate
C) shield
D) impare

2. Ms.B put together a tentative proposal for the client and agreed to work out the _______ of the contract in more detail next month.
A) obejctions
B) particulars
C) demonstrations
D) advisories

3. The Hab General Hospital is in _______ of doctors who are willing to deliver healthcare services to the residents of rural communities.
A) need
B) advancement
C) agreement
D) praise

문제 해석
1. Employees at Ten Foods' warehouse are compensated by the company should injuries incurred on the job _______ their ability to work.
A) guarantee
B) isolate
C) shield
D) impare

해석: Ten Foods 창고의 직원들은 업무 중에 초래된 상해가 그들의 업무 능력을 손상시킬 겨우 회사로부터 보상을 받는다.

A) guarantee = 보장하다
B) isolate = 격리하다
C) shield = 보호하다, 가리다
D) impare = 손상시키다, 악화시키다

2. Ms.B put together a tentative proposal for the client and agreed to work out the _______ of the contract in more detail next month.
A) obejctions
B) particulars
C) demonstrations
D) advisories

해석: Ms.B는 고객을 위해 임시 제안을 준비했고, 다음달에 계약의 세부 사항을 더 자세히 계획하는 것에 동의했다.

A) obejctions = 반대
B) particulars = 세부 사항
C) demonstrations = 설명
D) advisories = 경보

3. The Hab General Hospital is in _______ of doctors who are willing to deliver healthcare services to the residents of rural communities.
A) need
B) advancement
C) agreement
D) praise

해석: Hab 종합 병원은 시골 지역 주민들에게 기꺼이 의료 서비스를 제공하고자 하는 의사들을 필요로 한다.

A) need = 필요
B) advancement = 진보
C) agreement = 동의
D) praise = 칭찬

* be in need of - ~을 필요로 하다 로 암기하시면 좋을 것 같아요

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