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영어 시험/토익 (TOEIC)

토익 문제 풀이 #10

by 지으니다 2022. 1. 14.

오늘도 토익 화이팅입니다!!

1. During her first year as editor-in-chef, Ms. R expanded The Ntaional Gazette's _______ to over 250,000.
A) read
B) readers
C) reading
D) readership

2. Dr. A Griffin received the Scientific Achievements Award for her _______ of a new South American butterfly species.
A) translation
B) acceptance
C) dedication
D) identification

3. Owing to a labeling error, Sheppard Inc. is recalling all recently sold blenders _______ the Sheppard Model X.
A) thanks to
B) aside from
C) in regard to
D) on behalf of

문제 해석
1. During her first year as editor-in-chef, Ms. R expanded The Ntaional Gazette's _______ to over 250,000.
A) read
B) readers
C) reading
D) readership

해석: 편집장으로서의 첫해 동안, Ms. R은 The National Gazette의 독자 수를 25만 명 이상으로 확대했다.

A) read = 읽다
B) readers = 독자들
C) reading = 독서
D) readership = 독자 수

2. Dr. A Griffin received the Scientific Achievements Award for her _______ of a new South American butterfly species.
A) translation
B) acceptance
C) dedication
D) identification

해석: Dr. A Griffin은 새로운 남아메리카 나비 종에 대한 발견으로 과학 공로상을 받았다.

A) translation = 번역
B) acceptance = 승인
C) dedication = 헌신
D) identification = 신분 확인 / 식별

3. Owing to a labeling error, Sheppard Inc. is recalling all recently sold blenders _______ the Sheppard Model X.
A) thanks to
B) aside from
C) in regard to
D) on behalf of

해석: 상표 오류로 인해, Sheppard사는 Sheppard Model X를 제외하고 최근에 판매된 모든 믹서기를 회수하고 있다.

A) thanks to = ~덕분에
B) aside from = ~을 제외하고
C) in regard to = ~에 관해서
D) on behalf of = ~을 대신하여

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