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영어 시험/토익 (TOEIC)

토익 문제 풀이 #17

by 지으니다 2022. 2. 11.

1. Regardless of seniority, _______ employee is enititled to 15 days of paid vacation per year.
A) each
B) which
C) some
D) those

2. Mr. A has asked to be notified _______ the clients visiting from Japan arrive in the building lobby.
A) whereas
B) so that
C) as soon as
D) or else

3. _______ staff members dress is a reflection on the company, so please wear professional attire throughout the workweek.
A) When
B) What
C) How
D) Who

문제 해석
1. Regardless of seniority, _______ employee is enititled to 15 days of paid vacation per year.
A) each
B) which
C) some
D) those

해석: 근속 연수에 관계없이, 각 직원들은 연간 15일의 유급 휴가를 받을 수 있다.
A) each - each + 단수명사
B) which - which + 불완전한 문장
C) some - some + 복수명사
D) those - those + 복수명사

*employee = 단순명사
*employee is enititled to 15 days of paid vacation per year = 완전한 문장

2. Mr. A has asked to be notified _______ the clients visiting from Japan arrive in the building lobby.
A) whereas
B) so that
C) as soon as
D) or else

해석: Mr. A는 일본에서 방문하는 고객들이 건물 로비에 도착하자마자 통보 해달라고 요청했다.
A) whereas - 반면
B) so that - ~하도록 ~하다
C) as soon as - ~하자마자
D) or else - 그렇지 않으면

3. _______ staff members dress is a reflection on the company, so please wear professional attire throughout the workweek.
A) When
B) What
C) How
D) Who

해석: 직원들이 어떻게 옷을 입는지는 회사를 반영하므로, 주중 근무 시간에는 전문적인 복장을 갖춰 주십시오.
A) When - 언제
B) What - 무엇
C) How - 어떻게
D) Who - 누가

* What이 안되는 이유는 :
what 명사절 + 불완전한 문장
how 명사절 + 완전한 문장

dress는 자동사라서 완전한 문장입니다.
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